Was Nublar Abandoned?

There is a deleted scene from The Lost World that shows Peter Ludlow with members of the board of InGen, where he details the costs and aftermath of the 1993 incident.

One of the things he states is “Demolition, de-construction, and disposal of Isla Nublar facilities, organic and inorganic, one hundred and twenty-six million dollars.”

Which indicates that they pretty much destroyed the island along with the dinosaurs on it. They demolished the buildings and structures and removed or killed the dinosaurs.

But the scene was deleted, and the newer movies have shown us that Nublar wasn’t demolished.

But what if it was never true? Forgetting the scene was deleted in the first place, InGen are and always have been a shady company with shady practices, and creating a narrative that they completely destroyed everything on the island would look great to board members and the general public, who had begun to hear about the incident.

To me, Isla Nublar was abandoned in the same state they left it in. It wasn’t destroyed and nothing was disposed of. Dinosaurs still roam. Now imagine returning ten years on from the 1993 incident…

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